Onze menukaart

Pane e burro €3.50
Italiaans brood met kruidenboter. Italian bread with herb and garlic butter.
Patate fritte €4.95
Gefrituurde friet. French fries.
Focaccia della casa €6.50
Italiaanse focaccia met kruiden knoflook en kaas. Italian focaccia with herbs garlic and cheese.
Calamari fritti €7.50
Gefrituurde inktvis. Fried squid rings.
Bruschetta €5.50
Brood met tomaat, mozzarella, knoflook, verse basilicum, rode ui en olijfolie. Bread prepared with tomato, mozzarella, red onion, garlic, fresh basil and olive oil.

Insalata Mista €6.25
Gemengde salade. Mixed salad
Insalata Greca €7.95
Gemengde salade met feta kaas. Mixed salad with feta cheese.
Insalata de Tonno €9.50
Tonijn Salade met uien. Tuna salad with tomato, mozzarella and fresh basil.
Crema di Pomodoro €6.50
Tomatensoep. Tomato soup.
Minestrone soup €7.50
Verse groentensoep. Fresh vegetable soup.
Zuppa di Pesce €8.50
Vis soep. Fish soup

Spaghetti alla napoletana €10.50
Tomatensaus met verse basilicum en parmezaanse kaas. Tomato sauce with fresh basil and parmesan cheese.
Penne all arrabbiata €11.50
Penne met tomatensaus, verse basilicum en pittige pepers. Penne with tomato sauce, fresh basil and spicy peppers.
Spaghetti alla bolognesa €12.50
Spaghetti met gehaktsaus en permezaanse kaas. Spaghetti with Bolognese meat sauce and parmesan cheese.
Spaghetti alla carbonara 13.50
Spaghetti met spek, ei, roomsaus en permezaanse kaas. Spaghetti with bacon, eggs, cream sauce and parmesan cheese.
Spaghetti al pesto €12.50
Spaghetti met huisgemaakte pesto en roomsaus. Spaghetti with homemade pesto and cream sauce.
Spaghetti ai frutti di mare €15.95
Spaghetti met verschillende soorten vis, knoflook en tomatensaus. Spaghetti with various types of fish, garlic and tomato sauce.
Risotto di pollo e funghi €16.50
Italiaanse rijst met kip en champignons, bereid met witte saus. Italian rice with chicken and mushroom, cooked with cream sauce.
Tortellini alla romana €16.50
Deeg gevuld met spinazie, ricotta kaas, kip en champignon roomsaus. Dough filled with spinach, ricotta cheese, chicken, mushrooms and cream sauce.
Penne al salmone €16.50
Penne met verse zalm en champignon in roze saus. Penne with fresh salmon and mushroom in rose sauce.
Pasta al Forno

Crespelle vegetariane €14.95
Vers gerold deeg gevuld met spinazie en italiaanse ricotta kaas. Fresh rolled pastry filled with spinach and Italian ricotta cheese, topped with tomato sauce and cheese from the oven.
Lasagna al forno €14.95
Lasagna deeg met gehaktsaus en kaas. Lasagna pastry with Bolognese meat sauce and cheese.
Penne negresco €15.95
Penne met kip, champignons en roomsaus met kaas uit de oven. Penne with chicken mushroom, cream sauce and cheese from the oven.
Mixto dello chef €16.50
Lasagna, cannelloni, ravioli, met gehaktsaus overgegoten met kaas uit de oven. Lasagna, cannelloni, ravioli with meat poured over with cheese from the oven.
Special pasta

Ravioli al tartufo e funghi €17.50
Verse ravioli gevuld met champignons, truffelsaus, roomsaus en permezaanse kaas. Fresh ravioli filled with mushrooms, truffle sauce and parmesan cheese.

Pizza Margherita €10.00
Tomaat en kaas. Tomato and cheese.
Pizza Salame €12.50
Tomaat, kaas en salami. Tomato, cheese and salami.
Pizza Hawaii €14.50
Tomaat, kaas, ananas en ham. Tomato, cheese, pineapple and ham.
Pizza Prosciutto €12.50
Tomaat, kaas en ham.omato, cheese and ham
Pizza Mozzarella €13.95
Tomaat, kaas, mozzarella en verse basilicum. Tomato, cheese, mozzarella and fresh basil.
Pizza Capricciosa €14.50
Tomaat, kaas, ham en champignons. Tomato, cheese, ham and mushrooms.
Pizza Diavola €14.50
Tomaat, kaas en pikante italiaanse worst. Tomato, cheese and spicy Italian salami.
Pizza Vegetarian €15.95
Tomaat, uien, paprika, champignons, artisjok and olijven. Tomato, cheese, onion, paprika, mushrooms, artichokes, and olives.
Pizza Frutti di Mare €15.95
Tomaat en diverse soorten vis. Tomato and different types of fish.
Pizza Carne €14.95
Tomaat, kaas, pikant gehakt en champignons. Tomato, cheese, spicy minced meat and mushroom.
Pizza Pollo Funghi €14.95
Tomaat, kaas, kip en champignons. Tomato, cheese, chicken and mushroom.
Pizza Quattro Stagioni €15.95
Tomaat, kaas, ham, salami, champignons en paprika. Tomato, cheese, ham, salami, mushroom and paprika.
Pizza Tonno €15.95
Tomaat, kaas, tonijn, uien en kappertjes. Tomato, cheese, tuna, onions and capers.
Pizza Calzone €17.95
Dubbelgevouwen pizza met kaas, tomaat, paprika, champignons, ham, salami, uien en gehaktsaus. Folded pizza with tomato, cheese, paprika, mushroom, ham, salami, onion, and Bolognese sauce.s and capers.
Pizza Quattro Formaggi €15.95
Tomaat en vier soorten kaas. Tomato and four sorts of cheese.
Pizza Dolce Vita €17.50
Tomaat, kaas, parmaham, mascarpone en rucola. Tomato, cheese, Parma ham, mascarpone and arugula.e.
Burger & Steak

Extra toppings:
(Kaas, bacon, champignons, eieren en uien.)
(Cheese, bacon, mushroom, eggs and
Elke / Each topping = €1.75 extra.
Irish Beef Burger €13.50
200gr (€13.50)
Gegrilde hamburger met brood, friet en salade. Grilled burger with bread, fries, and salad. -
Black Angus Burger €15.50
200gr (€15.50)
300gr (€17.50) Gegrilde hamburger met brood, friet en salade 15.50 Grilled burger with bread, fries, and salad. -
Chicken Burger €14.50
Gegrilde kip burger met brood, friet en salade. Grilled chicken burger with bread, fries and salad.
Mixed Grill €21.50
Kipfilet, Spareribs en Rump Steak met friet en salade Chicken filet, Spareribs and Rump Steak with fries and salad.
Rump Steak €16.95
200gr (€16.95)
400gr (€26.95) Verse Argentijnse steak met friet en salade. Fresh Argentinian steak with fries and salad.
Bife Ancho €20.95
200gr (€20.95)
400gr (€30.50) Verse Argentijnse Rib-Eye met friet en salade Fresh Argentinian steak with fries and salad. -
Spareribs €17.95
Gegrilde spareribs met friet en salade. Grilled spareribs with fries and salad.
Grilled chicken fillet €16.95
Gegrilde kipfilet met friet en salade. Grilled chicken fillet with fries and salad.
Chicken Schnitzel €14.95
Gepaneerde kipfilet met friet en salade. Breaded chicken breast with fries and salad.

Fish & Chips €15.95
Gepaneerde vis met friet en salade. Breaded fish with fries and salad.
Salsa – Sauce – Sauces €2.00
Funghi – champignon saus – mushroom – pepe nero – pepersaus – pepper agilo – knoflooksaus – garlic picante – pikante – spicy.
HOT Drinks

Espresso €2.50
Coffee €2.95
Cappuccino €3.25
Café latte €3.50
Thee €2.50
Caffe macchiato €2.75
Irish coffee €6.95

Rum €4.75
Malibu €4.75
Tia maria €4.75
Amaretto €4.75
Grand Marnier €4.75
Grappa €4.75
Cointreau €4.75
Sambuca €4.75
Baileys €4.75
Limoncello €4.75
Tequila €4.75

Red/White/Rose €4.25
0.5L €14.95
1.0L €24.95
Whiskey cola €9.50
Gin tonic €9.50
Vodka tonic €9.50
Bacardi cola €9.50
Apertivo – Aperietief

Port, sherry €3.50
Martini Bianco €3.50
Martini Rosso €350
Bacardi €4.50
Smirnoff ice €4.50
Campari €4.50
Jenever €4.50
Vodka/gin €4.50
Jägermeister €4.50
Averna €4.50

Remy martini €8.50
Napoleon €8.50
Cognac Argentina €8.50

Ballantyne €8.00
Johnnie Walker Black €8.50
Johnnie Walker Red €7.50
Jameson €7.50
Jack Daniels €8.95

Heineken tap small €3.95
Heineken tap medium €5.95
Heineken tap large €6.95
Corona beer €6.50
Peroni beer €6.95
Amstel beer €6.95

Cola €3.75
Cola Light €3.75
Fanta €3.75
Sprite €3.75
Iced Tea €3.75
Mineral water €3.75
Medium drink €4.75
Large drink €5.75
Ice Cream

Tartufe Nero €6.50
Vanilla ice cream covered in a chocolate cream and cocoa powder
Banana split €5.50
Vanilla ice cream with sliced banana, whipped cream and chocolate
Dame blanche €6,50
Vanilla ice cream with chocolate glaze, whipped cream and coffee cookies
Pancakes dulche de Jeche €6,80
Vanilla ice cream wrapped in a pancake, covered with whipped cream and chocolate glaze
Ice Cream

Allogato at Caffe €6.50
Italian vanilla ice cream with coffee syrup
Tiramisu dolce vita €5.50
Served with whipped cream and cocoa powder
Limoncello €6.50
Italian canilla ice cream with lemon glaze
Frutti di bosco €6.80
Italian vanilla ice cream with wild berry syrup
Creme brulee €4.50
Spanish cream covered with brown sugar, served hot